Sunday, July 12, 2009

Review: DOG ON IT by Spencer Quinn.

This is the first in what will hopefully be a new mystery series by the American author, Spencer Quinn. Featured as narrator is Chet the Jet, a dog who failed police dog school. He now works with Bernie, the down on his luck owner of the Little Detective Agency.

Chet & Bernie investigate the disappearance of a teenage girl, a possible kidnapping despite the lack of a ransom note. The chase takes them both into danger on a collision course with some very unsavory characters.

The dog as narrator concept is one that could easily result in an over cute tone but Spencer Quinn unerringly strikes all the right notes. Chet is all dog, intensely loyal, living in the moment & filled with a joie de vivre with all the doggy pleasures of life – riding shotgun in the car – a good nap – an especially tasty treat.

He also has all the limitations of being a dog, a rather short attention span, more than a few comprehension issues with the complicated matters that preoccupy humans, and a marked propensity for mischief.

This is a fun, fast paced, entertaining & very well written detective story showcasing a most endearing duo – Chet & Bernie.

reviewed by JB

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